Entry into the Seniors from Year 7 upwards is by formal Entrance Examination, with papers in Mathematics and English.
The following procedures are applied:
- A tour of the school for the family
- Interview for the parents with the Headmistress to explore the support available at home and any relevant connection with the School
- Interview for the pupil with the Headmistress to explore the candidate’s interests, attitude to school, personal qualities, ability to contribute to the school community
- Entrance Examination with papers in Mathematics and English.
- Confidential report from the previous school and copies of previous school reports.
The School does not normally accept new pupils into Years 10 or 11.
We will only admit a child who:
- Has met the academic criteria
- Shows the capacity to engage with the learning
- Is able to interact productively with children of a similar age
- Does not display a level of behaviour deemed to disrupt the education of the other pupils.
Additional Factors
The School is oversubscribed in many areas. If we need to decide between two or more candidates who meet our admission requirements, after all appropriate allowances and special consideration has been given, we may give preference to:
- A child who already has a sibling in the school or whose parent is a former pupil here
- A child whose parent is a current member of our staff
- A child with a particular skill, talent or aptitude
- A child who will stay at the School until age 16.
We recognise that a candidate’s performance may be affected by particular circumstances, eg:
- If he / she is unwell when taking tests or has had a lengthy absence from his / her school
- If there are particular family circumstances such as a recent bereavement
- If there is a relevant educational history, for example education outside the British system
- If the applicant has a disability or specific learning difficulties
- If English is not the candidate’s first language.
In any of these cases, we may request further information such as a medical certificate, educational psychologist’s report or any family history as we consider necessary to make a fair assessment.
The School will not normally accept children with challenging behaviour or who have been required to leave another nursery, school or college due to unacceptable levels of behaviour.
We aim to give the siblings of current pupils at Normanhurst priority when considering children applying to join the school from outside. However, admission is not necessarily automatic and siblings are still subject to the school’s admissions procedures when applying for all year groups.
The deadline by which time siblings must be registered to join Normanhurst each September is the start of the preceding October. We will not be able guarantee siblings priority consideration if applications are made after this time as the process will have started for those who have already registered to enter the school from outside.
Character References
At all points of entry the candidate’s current school or nursery will be asked to provide a written reference as to the candidate’s academic ability, attitude and behaviour, involvement in the School Community, talents and interest, and any other special circumstances such as special educational needs, or a disability. The reference may also include the results of tests taken at the school.
Parents must as soon as possible disclose any particular known or suspected circumstances relating to their child’s health, allergies, disabilities or learning difficulties.
Scholarships at 11+ (Year 7)
Several part-scholarships may be awarded as a result of the examination and interview process. These may be awarded for ability in Art, Drama, Music and Sport as well as for higher academic ability.