The Early Years Foundation Stage at Normanhurst includes Lower Kindergarten, Upper Kindergarten and Reception. Children can begin school from 2½ years, and are able to attend on a part-time or full-time basis during the Kindergarten Years. School is full-time from the start of Reception Class.
As our recent school inspection confirms, all children flourish in the Early Years. They have excellent relationships with staff and often exceed their expected levels of progress. Normanhurst provides a happy and secure environment to learn and our pupils really enjoy their time at school.
The inspiring and exciting curriculum is based around the seven Early Learning Goals, but is augmented and enriched with a wide range of other activities including Music , ICT and PE lessons; French and Drama workshops; assemblies, performances, ‘forest walks’, trips and outings.
There is generous provision for the EYFS, with spacious classrooms and a dedicated outside learning area which enables learning to happen both inside and outside the classroom.
Each child has a dedicated Key Worker who is responsible for monitoring their progress and development, which is recorded in a portfolio which is available for you to see whenever you would like to.
Mrs Fisher, the EYFS Coordinator is responsible for leading the team of staff and planning the curriculum. As noted in our recent inspection, our strong team of experienced staff works closely with parents enabling them to be involved in their child’s learning.
If you wish to see our Early Years department for yourself, please fill out the form below and a member of the team will be in touch to book a tour.