We have a broad and vibrant Art and Design curriculum across all key stages. The purpose of Art and Design at Normanhurst School is to stimulate creativity and imagination. It provides a visual, tactile and sensory experience, and a special way of understanding and responding to the world. Through Art and Design our pupils are able to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes.
By the end of the Juniors pupils will have developed;
- An understanding and appreciation of artists and craftspeople
- Ability to develop a design idea into a product
- An understanding of proportion, scale and composition
- An ability to record first hand observations
- An increased confidence in using visual and tactile elements
In Years 3 to 11 pupils’ development is measured through National Curriculum levels, verbal feedback, questioning and written feedback.
In addition to our creative curriculum we celebrate Art and Design through the many displays around the school, entering Art and Design competitions, exhibiting pupils’ work in galleries and organising visits to see exhibitions and Industry Design practice.
From KS2 to KS4 activities also include textiles, graphic design, photography, and animation.